Thursday, April 8, 2021

Tarot Journal - Daily Draws for April 8th, 2021

 Dark Angels Tarot: Knight of Swords, 9 of Wands, Ace of Cups


The Knight of Swords is a go-getter and the 9 of Wands represents being both on the offense and the defense. The Ace of Cups is a card of spirituality and features a hand that is literally grasping a chalice - the holy grail. Today seizing of ones spirituality or personal development is greatly encouraged. Spiritual and emotional wards and barriers may be a worthy project at this time. Remember to face projects with the steadfastness of the Knight.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Tarot Journal - Daily Draws for April 7th, 2021

Dark Angels Tarot: 8 of Disks, 9 of Swords, and 2 of Disks
Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards: It's Okay to Be Different and Wish Upon a Star


Sadly there's no pictures of my card pulls today since my phone that I use to take pictures is super low battery.
 (I did find some scans of the cards via google images for reference).

The figure on the 8 of Disks carefully governs her possessions. Through her posture one can sense her protective nature - not scared of being attacked but preparing for possible rough road ahead. Perhaps this is how we are feeling, or a suggestion of how we should face a situation. The figure looks toward the 2 of Disks, the card of balance - which I feel has similar energy to Temperance - making sure not to deprive of ourselves of our physical needs nor to overindulge. In the middle, we have the 9 of Swords cutting through - warning of mental distress regarding a situation. When the 9 of Swords shows up with cards to do with balance or excess, I think of some mental struggles, such as obsessive behaviours. In this case the cards would be a warning to step back and see things from a True perspective rather than a perspective that has been influenced by others. We know our intention and we know when we are doing what is right for ourselves and for others and when we are being dishonest with ourselves.
This message is reiterated in the oracle cards for the day - It's Okay to Be Different reminds us that thinking outside of the box is okay, so long as we are not hurting ourselves or anyone else, and Wish Upon a Star is a sign of hope for the best in this situation.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Tarot Journal - Daily Draws for April 6th, 2021

Dark Angels Tarot: 2 of Cups, The Devil, The Sun
Victoria Frances Oracle: 2 - The Gentle Dance


The 2 of Cups mirrors the Gentle Dance card as both display lovers in blissful rumination of one another. The Devil here represents a duality of temptation - some temptations stem from love while others, not so much. Train yourself to recognize the difference. An evaluation of the root of temptations that surround you now will help you find happiness very soon, and will help your relationship with yourself as well as others. The Sun card is a reminder to be grateful for and hold on to the blessings that we currently have at this time - success is within our reach.


Monday, April 5, 2021

Tarot Journal - Daily Draws for April 5th, 2021

Dark Angels Tarot: 7 of Swords, Page of Wands, The Moon


The 7 of Swords shows a confident angel with a sword ready for what comes next. She is a planner, fully prepared to put her plans into action. The page of wands stands in a graveyard with a staff in hand and a bird behind him, a messenger, the angel himself is described in the guidebook as a messenger of the dead. Finally, in the moon card, angels and humans ask the moon for blessings.

Whatever you are plotting today, remember to take into account the guidance you have received thus far in your life, especially from spiritual guides. With planning and the help of your guides, you will know the blessings you seek. 


Saturday, April 3, 2021

Tarot Journal - Daily Draws for April 3rd, 2021

Dark Angels Tarot: King of Cups
Madame Endora's Fortune Cards: Earth


Today water and earth blend together to create harmony between the emotional and the physical worlds. The King of Cups is creative, tapped into the eternal stream of emotional consciousness that acts as a muse to artists. He can revel in emotions and channel his emotions positively into whatever he does. The earth card amplifies this notion, grounding otherwise chaotic emotional energy into a physical project within reality.
What ways can we channel our emotions today to create something in the physical? What art will we create? 


Friday, April 2, 2021

Tarot Journal - Daily Draws for April 2nd, 2021

Dark Angels Tarot: 0 - The Fool
Madame Endora's Fortune Cards: The Queen


The Fool walks the earth, stalking a cemetery while holding a scythe. This card sings of endings and beginnings. The scythe symbolizes the transformation from one life to another, like the life of a plant growing, to the life that plant becomes once it has been harvested. The guidebook describes freedom as having nothing left to lose - The Fool here truly means foundation upon which the journey can be built upon.

The Queen - subtitle: Love and Prosperity. The Queen is part of the Royal Court in MEFCs, which is comprised of cards that represents influential people in your life or an archetype you would benefit from embodying at this time. During this time of the Fool, perhaps embodying the Queen - embrace ones own powerful, feminine side, will ensure a prosperous beginning. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Tarot Journal - Daily Draws for April 1st, 2021

 Dark Angels Tarot: 7 of Discs
Tarot of Vampyres: 9 of Grails
Madame Endora's Fortune Cards: Serendipity


Today is an auspicious one for counting ones blessings and showing gratitude for them. Lately, there has been an air of dissatisfaction or disinterest in the physical realm, but the fairy of Serendipity suggests that a new door will open that will allow for both physical and spiritual happiness. This message is amplified by the 9 of Grails, which indicates both spirituality and earthly pleasure. 

In addition to todays cards, I pulled some from Victoria Frances Oracle Cards and drew cards number 9 and 21. These cards are invitations to honour and release the past (again to make room for gratitude for the now within our lives) and to have faith. 

Tarot Journal - Daily Draws for April 8th, 2021

 Dark Angels Tarot: Knight of Swords, 9 of Wands, Ace of Cups ~ The Knight of Swords is a go-getter and the 9 of Wands represents being both...